Podcast: New Zealand Election 2020: Key social media trends w/ Jennifer Windsor, Jack Vowles & me

If you always wanted to know how a study on the Facebook campaigns of the parties and the top candidates in an ongoing election campaign is conducted, I recommend Victoria University’s newest podcast with Pro Vice Chancellor Humanities and Education Jennifer Windsor, my colleague Jack Vowles and me about our current social media study. Now available on Soundcloud , Spotify and iTunes (free for republication). Publication of the results in weekly blog posts begins this Friday and I’m very excited as the first data came in today. I hear we will compare Jacinda vs. Judith in our first post: how did our two female top candidates start off into the hot campaign phase of the last four weeks? Who is doing better on social media? Stay tuned, link to be posted here this Friday!

Interview with Radio New Zealand on the New Zealand Social Media Study (NZSMS)

This week I spoke with „Morning Report“ on RNZ about the New Zealand Social Media Study (NZSMS) that I am conducting together with my colleague Professor Jack Vowles. We spoke about how we collect the data and in particular how we measure the use of fake news in the Facebook campaigns of the parties and the top candidates in the upcoming general election here in New Zealand, and also what we expect to find regarding the social media use of the New Zealand parties and candidates compared to other countries such as the US.

Listen to the full interview here

New Zealand Social Media Study (NZSMS) – New blog on social media in the upcoming NZ election

Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington researchers are conducting the New Zealand leg of an international project to analyse how political actors use social media to target, inform, interact with, mobilise and pursue voters in elections.

Focusing on the final four weeks of the 2020 New Zealand general election campaign, Dr Mona Krewel and Professor Jack Vowles from the University’s Political Science and International Relations programme will be making their New Zealand Social Media Study findings and accompanying commentary available for free republication under Creative Commons.

Dr Krewel, Professor Vowles and the team they lead will publish weekly findings from their content analysis of the most salient campaign topics, the dominant political actors in the parties’ campaigns and their campaigning strategies on social media.

The data will expand each week, with one week’s worth published the first week, two weeks’ worth the second, and so on, becoming more statistically substantial as the project proceeds.

“The New Zealand Social Media Study allows us to make evidence-based contributions to debates about the quality of democratic discourse in the general election,” says Dr Krewel.

“The impact of digitisation on campaigns around the world is still growing; orchestrated operations by social media bots and fake news are increasing. Meanwhile, many citizens live in closed social media filter bubbles and echo chambers, with massive implications for democratic discourse. This has led many scholars to proclaim we live in an age of post-truth campaigning.

“This project was initiated during the 2019 European Parliamentary election, when political scientists from 12 countries analysed the internet and social media campaigns of mainstream and niche parties to detect general patterns and trends across countries, while also identifying national idiosyncrasies.

“The original team is now looking to increase their country sample and continue the project globally under the title Digital Election Campaigning Worldwide (DigiWorld). They approached us to join and we didn’t hesitate to say yes, recognising the importance of this research.”

Shaped by the experience of COVID-19, New Zealand’s 2020 general election will be like no other before it, says Professor Vowles.

“We have already seen examples of ‘fake news’, sometimes even communicated by politicians and the mainstream media. Monitoring the parties’ social media communications, we hope to confirm that, for the most part, they will campaign responsibly.”

Voting for the general election opens on Saturday 3 October and closes on Saturday 17 October.

The New Zealand Social Media Study findings and commentary will be available at www.wgtn.ac.nz/election on:

Friday 2 October (data from 17–23 September covering one week)
Friday 9 October (data from 17–30 September covering two weeks)
Friday 16 October (data from 17 September–7 October covering three weeks)
Monday 26 October (data from 17 September–17 October covering four weeks)

Please note, the page will not be live before 2 October.

For interview requests please

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Email: communications@lists.vuw.ac.nz

See full media release here