New publication „Informationsflüsse, Wahlen und Demokratie“ published

Together with Thorsten Faas, Sascha Huber, and Sigrid Roßteutscher I recently published the edited volume „Informationsflüsse, Wahlen und Demokratie“ which is a Festschrift (commemorative publication) for Professor Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck (University of Mannheim). The book is fully open access and can be read here. It is partly in English and partly in German. I also contributed to the book with a co-authored chapter together with Ansgar Wolsing („The Times They are A-changin”, lineare Trends oder Muster in der Fernsehberichterstattung über KanzlerkandidatInnen, pp. 53-84) and as well as to the introduction as one of the editors (Informationsflüsse, Wahlen und Demokratie: Einleitung zur Festschrift für Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, pp. 9-22).

The New Zealand Social Media Study (NZSMS) during the 2023 election

During the 2023 election, the team of the New Zealand Social Media Study (NZSMS) and the Internet, Social Media, and Politics Research Lab (ISPRL) lead by me has published several blog posts with results from the NZSMS which reveal how the political parties and their leaders campaigned on social media during the 2023 New Zealand election. This includes results on topics such mis- and disinformation, negative campaigning, populism and many other aspects of the campaigns. All of these publications are open access and can be found under the links below. I also wrote a short piece for The Conversation on the alleged rise of mis- and disinformation in the 2023 NZ General Election which can also be found below.

Krewel, Mona (2023): Fake news didn’t play a big role in NZ’s 2023 election – but there was a rise in small lies, in: The Conversation, November 14, retrieved from:

Krewel, Mona (2023): Five weeks, 4,000 Facebook posts: Social Media Campaigning in the 2023 election.

Krewel, Mona (2023): Big Little lies? Disinformation in the 2023 election campaign.

Krewel, Mona (2023): Who’s going negative? Social Media Campaigning in the 2023 Election.

Krewel, Mona (2023): Facts and Fiction in the 2023 New Zealand Election.