New book „Modernisierung deutscher Wahlkämpfe?“ out now

Recently my book „Modernisierung deutscher Wahlkämpfe? Kampagnenkommunikation zwischen 1957 und 1965“ has been published:

Krewel, Mona (2017): Modernisierung deutscher Wahlkämpfe? Kampagnenkommunikation zwischen 1957 und 1965? [Modernization of German Election Campaigns? Campaign Communication between 1957 and 1965]. Baden-Baden: Nomos.


The central aim of the book consists in the description and explanation of the developments within the campaigns of the CDU and the SPD for the German federal elections of 1957, 1961 and 1965. Thereby particular attention is paid to potential differences in terms of timing with regard to the development of campaigning between the CDU and the SPD. Moreover, the book thematizes the underlying causes of these differences. Beyond that, the book gives an answer to the question, whether the encountered developments in campaigning can be considered as a modernization of campaigning and if the election campaigns between the end of the 50s and the Mid-60s therefore can be characterized as the beginning of the age of modern campaigning.

The publication can be ordered on the website of Nomos



New publication

Recently a new study by Thorsten Faas and me got published, which provides an overview on political media effects:

Faas, Thorsten und Mona Krewel (2016): Eine komplexe Dreiecksbeziehung. Politik – Medien – Bürger_innen und ihre wechselseitigen Einflüsse. [A complex triangle relationship: Politics – Media –Citizens and their reciprocal influences.] Bonn: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

The publication can be downloaded on the website of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung at no costs: